Failbot Fails, trust WoL

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Failbot Fails, trust WoL

Postby Aerisis » 06 Mar 2010, 18:04

Ok i don't really get why my forum acces has been taken away, is it because i defied Macs addon?

I took the liberty of looking up WoL report for last tuesday and it confirms me only getting hit once
by malleable goo. So i suggest you trust on WoL more than you do on that Failbot addon. ... etails/26/

<3 Aerisis.
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Re: Failbot Fails, trust WoL

Postby Macapple » 07 Mar 2010, 19:23

Ok a few things here

1. you guild quit, your choice and as you are no longer in the guild we removed forum access to the guild side. As i pointed out in the in-game message i sent to you Its not because i'm having a hissy fit about you challenging the performance post about your score. That actually happened to be very constructive and helped us look at the combat logs in more detail and understand it a bit more. You can make the forum removal into whatever you like thats your prerogative, but generally we have always removed people from the forum when they GQuit.
2. As you kindly pointed out, the post was supposed to point out people indiscretions in raid, a subject you were most vocal about us doing doing before you gquit. Whilst the post wasn't supposed to be about you and more focussed about looking at how we get the guilds raid performance better it has helped people to see and start searching for areas of improvement.
Simply using DPS meters as a way to judge people isn't enough and performance on damage taking and movement is also important. Just because classes can mitigate some damage it is not a valid reason to stand there and take it so classes can get better DPS.
3. As we all know these add ons and parsers, WOL or Ensidiafails are not fool proof as they both look and record things differently and as I said in the post are INDICATIVE!. Which mean they are an indication of what was going on not a final record. We are not using them as a witch hunt to discredit or get rid of people but as an indication of where we are and where we need to be.
4. Ensidia fails isn't perfect nor is WOL , however they are both valid in giving indicative view of what went wrong. As i pointed out in the post EF records pool and malleable goo fails, which are both about movement.. I guess to some it really does matter which one your better at not failing at than the others. To be fair you were one of the best ranged people at moving under the malleable goo but that depends on where you set the benchmark and as you pointed out we should should set the benchmark high.
5. Ok, so we will take WOL as the benchmark for now,

If you actually sort by damage by spell it will tell you how many times you got hit, which is a better view of people not moving away in time from malleable good and how many ticks they take in pools. If you get the Debuff its due to you being targeted and not moving the rest is splash damage.

The WOL states that you got hit 11 times with Malleable goo , resisting four @ 15k each, one miss and 6 hits taking 86k damage. Thats still looks like you got hit more than once even though i agree the de buff part says you only got got 1 De buff. So claiming that you got hit once seems to cover the fact that you didnt move far enough as the log says that you got hit actually 11 times gross.
If i also take WOL as you suggested I should, it says you took 69 ticks (35 hits + 34 resisted), in the pools over 5 attempts..

I also looked at my performance on the 5 attempts and I was also surprised how bad it was and it goes to show i have a lot of room for improvement to get zero fail in the fight. So we are really not throwing stones in greenhouses here.

Malleable goo 13 = 7 hits - 2 Absorbed, 4 Resisted .
Slime puddle - 36 ticks = 19 hits + 17 resisted
Debuff = 3

So are we really just arguing over who has less failboat epeen than the rest of the guild. None of the performances on that fight across the board, including mine, were anyway near what is required with no exceptions. So we can argue semantics over which thing to use, parser or ensidiafails but the bottom line is that what ever tool you use the performances were not good.

Btw its not my add on, its off curse so you can go and check it out its called Ensidiafails
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