Resto/Feral Dps druid application for raider spot.

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Resto/Feral Dps druid application for raider spot.

Postby Belann » 17 Jun 2012, 20:29

General Information:

Character name : Belann

Role Applying for Social /Raider: Applying to become a raider.


Character profile link (WoW Armory):

Alts: I've got 3 alts, a hunter at 85, A warrior tank at 85 and a holy priest at level 85. I occasionally play these characters to get some Valor Points but my main priority is to my druid.
My Hunters link is: ... dor/simple
My Warriors link is :
My Priests link is : ... ahh/simple

Guild History

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave: Currently in Just another guild, Recently started playing wow again and was just looking for a guild to get back into raiding but lately the raids have been very slow and don't always have full attendance. before that i was in Frostbyte for a while mainly as a social. My Warrior was my main character up until mid cataclysm.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:As i've been playing for the past few years LW have always been a top guild and there members always seem friendly when i've come across them in trades or heroics etc.

If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?

Please keep in mind that your char's history is one of the main sources of information available to us, when deciding on your application. A freshly renamed/transferred char with no history at all does not give us much chance to evaluate your application, especially if you decide not to share any information about your previous guild/realm/character name with us.


If you are applying for a social membership in Lightwalkers, you don't need to fill out the "Raiding" section. Please be aware that we cannot offer you a raidspot in our core team then tho, unless we decide to open one up for recruitment and you meet the appropriate requirements.

Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released? I started to play the game mid way through TBC, and raided on my warrior up to SSC and TK with a little bit of MH and BT .

Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata? During LK my warrior was still my main and i got to 10/12 heroic in 10 man during Cata im currently 3/8 heroic on my druid.

Which AddOns are you using for raiding? I use Omen, DBM, Tukui, Quartz and Skada as my damage/healing meters.

Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one? Yes

Our core raiding times are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 20:00-24:00 server time (please note that all our raiding times are servertime, which can differ from your local time, for example in the UK)

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids? Yes.

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids? I chose my spec as i enjoyed healing on my priest but wanted more variety in the roles i could perform as a druid. Resto druids in my opinion can offer great Area of Effect healing and yet still maintain a steady amount of heals on the main tank along with Powerful cooldowns to help the raid in sticky situations.

Do you have a WWS or World of logs report so we can see how you’re performing in raids? Unfortunately no, sorry.

Extra Info

Water, Gold or Cheese? Water.

Tell us a little about the person behind the character! Im 21 years old, from the midlands in England. University student on summer holiday for the next few months. I enjoy playing golf and football in my spare time and going to the local pub for a few beers every know and again.

What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild? A friendly environment in raiding yet still being able to perform well in progression, Helpful guild members will to offer help as i would do the same.

Thanks for your time in reading the application, Look forward to hearing from you.
Posts: 1
Joined: 17 Jun 2012, 20:11

Re: Resto/Feral Dps druid application for raider spot.

Postby Cherrycoke » 19 Jun 2012, 01:13

Hey thanks for app ~ admins will justify their positions, discuss and report back!
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Location: England

Re: Resto/Feral Dps druid application for raider spot.

Postby Bierdna » 22 Jun 2012, 19:53

Poke... :-)
Druids are keepers of the world who walk the path of nature, following the wisdom of the Ancients and Cenarius, healing and nurturing the world
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Re: Resto/Feral Dps druid application for raider spot.

Postby Cherrycoke » 22 Jun 2012, 22:45

Hi thanks again for your application but im afraid we have no room for the specs you are offering.
It wouldn't be fair to you nor our raiders to accept this app. ;(

Good Luck in finding a new guild!
Posts: 400
Joined: 12 Oct 2009, 20:09
Location: England

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