Soc appl

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Soc appl

Postby goodel » 30 Jul 2012, 22:25

General Information:

Character name: Goodel

Role Applying for Social /Raider: Social

Class/Level: druid lvl 85 (tanky/kitty atm but not 100% what class/specc i'll be in MoP)

Character profile link (WoW Armory):

Alts: Grahl the huntard (bloodhof), Dingbat the rogue (bloodhoof), Shiftout, yet another drooid (terenas horde)

Guild History:

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave: I originaly transfered to Bloodhoof to join friends in a guild called memento mori (back then a 25 man raid guild). People left MM and i vent searching for a 25 man raid guild and was in Lightwalkers brief before it turned 10 man. Searched around for a stable 25 man guild but eventually vent back to 10 man raiding i MM. Some friends started up a new guild, viribus unitis. I was briefly in viribus and its a lovely guild with many good players. However, i find that i cant commit to raiding as i used to before and i'am in search for a social spot in a guild. Have a druid on Terenas horde in the first guild (well, first guild was called Old Gitz but we later merged with Broken Drum) i joined. It's a family/friends guild and does raid on occation.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join: Well, even if i cant commit to raiding as i used to, i still enjoy the game. I'm looking for a stable guild that have room for social players. I know one or two in the guild and have done a couple of runs with LW early DS that i did enjoy. LW seems to be a nice guild with mature people.


If you are applying for a social membership in Lightwalkers, you don't need to fill out the "Raiding" section. Please be aware that we cannot offer you a raidspot in our core team then tho, unless we decide to open one up for recruitment and you meet the appropriate requirements.
(did fill in some info below even if its a soc. app)

Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released?
did Kara and ZA, some SSC and MH

Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata?
done all (not many on hc tho)

Which AddOns are you using for raiding?
the usual (DBM, omen, quickmark etc)

Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?

Our core raiding times are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 20:00-24:00 server time (please note that all our raiding times are servertime, which can differ from your local time, for example in the UK)

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids?

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
been feral since i started wow (mid BC) and just too stuborn to try it different

Do you have a WWS or World of logs report so we can see how you’re performing in raids?

Extra Info:

Water, Gold or Cheese?
Gold and i buy all the water and cheese needed

Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
I'm so old i dont have a facebook account (shock). I live in Sweden (stockholm), am married and work with economic research/policy. Workload have changed recently and is the main reason why i cant commit to raiding as before (well, tbh a bit of burnout is also a factor. I'm not very keen on the new model where you run the same raid in LFR, then normal, then hc.)

What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild?
I'm looking for a guild where people play to relax and have fun. If there is an occational alt run i'll join if there is a spot.

best regards,
Posts: 2
Joined: 30 Jul 2012, 20:40

Re: Soc appl

Postby Indigo » 30 Jul 2012, 22:38

Thanks for your application, we'll get back to you asap.

I'm so old i dont have a facebook account (shock)

I prefer to view avoiding failbook as a question of common sense tbh, not a question of age :P
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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Re: Soc appl

Postby Cherrycoke » 02 Aug 2012, 18:54

accepted application!
Posts: 400
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Location: England

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