Azraya - Resto Shaman

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Azraya - Resto Shaman

Postby Azraya » 24 Aug 2012, 08:38

General Information:

Character name : Azraya

Role Applying for Social /Raider : Raider

Class/Level: Resto Shaman lvl 85

Character profile link (WoW Armory): ... aya/simple

Alts: oi o
* Ceraz : lvl 85 paladin (horde)
* Zaná: lvl 85 Shaman (horde)
* Zhána: lvl 85 Priest (horde)
* Kaiyla : lvl 85 Warlock (horde)
* Shaylee: lvl 85 Mage (horde)
* Blazy: lvl 85 DK (horde)
* Zhirin: lvl 85 Druid (horde)
* Niké: lvl 85 Hunter (horde)
and so on with low lvl alts:P (fun playing)

Guild History:
Dont know if u want all my previous guilds but i can short tell u,
started in the eariy TBC and was in a guild called IMMORTALS, this was my first raiding guild.
then after that its been (more important guilds as raider):
* Blood in Blood out
* Amicitas Immortales
* S P Q R
* Hidden Circle
* Memento Mori
* Novus Ordo Seclorum

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
Previous u have above,
reason i left the last 2 is:
i played in Memento Mori for a long time, cant remeber for how long but it was a bit:P
was having a great time, but then i got an offer from a friend in NoS to join them,
and it was my "dream" to raid with them as i played alot with them in wrath in their alt runs.
but my dream was my nightmare tho^^
I like to raid and i have raid in my blood but i dont walk over dead bodys to get to where i wanna go.
i think u can get there but trying to remeber to behaiv and show respect.
no hard feelings about NoS , but its not my raidstyle.
as im more of a " act like u wanna be treated* ^^

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
Bierdna <3 and ofc someother reasons to, i wanna raid with my shammy and i think LW will be best option for me from what i been told about the guild.

If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?
Always been a bloodhoofer, just got lured into the darkness with ...those damn cookies! and faction changed most of my chars to horde

Please keep in mind that your char's history is one of the main sources of information available to us, when deciding on your application. A freshly renamed/transferred char with no history at all does not give us much chance to evaluate your application, especially if you decide not to share any information about your previous guild/realm/character name with us.

Well Azraya dont have much history i assume, she was created in Wrath, but was then deleted cuz i needed more space when cata was released cuz i already had a shammy to lvl up Zaná (previous name Faithléss)
but she is back and ready to fight


If you are applying for a social membership in Lightwalkers, you don't need to fill out the "Raiding" section. Please be aware that we cannot offer you a raidspot in our core team then tho, unless we decide to open one up for recruitment and you meet the appropriate requirements.

Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released?

TK, SSC, MH, Maggy, Gruul, Kara, ZA (old one)

Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata?
All raids in LK (all cleared) 10man , cuz i only raided in 10man guilds
except Ulduar time with S P Q R that was a 25man guild at the start before they turned into OMEGA

Which AddOns are you using for raiding?
For healing : Vudho, cant ask for better healing addon then that :P

Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?
I have one, and i like to talk:O

Our core raiding times are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 20:00-24:00 server time (please note that all our raiding times are servertime, which can differ from your local time, for example in the UK)

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids?
If you state you can make 3 raids a week and are unable to, we will need to assess your status in the trial and the guild. If you join and then suddenly unable to raid we will move you to social status and recruit to fill your spot.
i can,

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
as Shammy i only played resto, i had enha as os back in wrath but i prefer playing as resto
dont ask me to try elemental cuz i suck :P
as healer i can provide u good healing and a shammy who doesnt stop healig until she is dead^^

Do you have a WWS or World of logs report so we can see how you’re performing in raids?
Nope sorry, i tried that stuff but im not that "computer smart" so i failed on trying to get it to work^^

Extra Info

Water, Gold or Cheese?
Gold ofc

Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
Oi oi
Well my name is Mia, im 27 and i live in Luleå, Sweden.
im married, no kids.
My husband plays to, he will apply later he is just sick atm, can explain that part later.
I have 2 dogs, Siberian Husky, 1 Mixed raced and one pure husky.
atm i only work "extra" and latest hours is 19:00 (home at 20:00)

What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild?
I expect mature people with a smile on their faces:P
and ppl who can respect others and play as a team and not a military armé that needs to obey every step, if u get what i mean :P
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Re: Azraya - Resto Shaman

Postby Indigo » 24 Aug 2012, 16:37

Hey Mia,

thanks for your application to LW; admins will have a little chat about it and then get back to you asap :)

Hope your hubby gets well again soon!
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
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Re: Azraya - Resto Shaman

Postby Cherrycoke » 26 Aug 2012, 23:54

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Re: Azraya - Resto Shaman

Postby Daltino » 30 Aug 2012, 18:18

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
Bierdna <3

He has got fans now! :O
Never argue with and idiot, they will just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience!
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