Holyswing- Retribution Paladin

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Holyswing- Retribution Paladin

Postby Holyswing » 01 Dec 2014, 15:42

Hey Lightwalkers, this is my application for a raider rank.

General Info:

Name: Holyswing
Applying for: Raider
Class/Level/Spec/OS: Paladin/90/Ret/Holy
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... g/advanced
Alts: I've got many level 90 characters, I usually start leveling/playing my alts when there's nothing to do on my main. I've not started leveling any yet, and I don't really plan on doing so in the nearest future. Just for the reference, I've got druid, dk, rogue, warrior, mage en lvl87 priest.

Previous Guilds en Raiding xperience:

Main addons: DBM, decursive, TellMeWhen.
Last expansion I didn't join any raiding guilds as I just didn't like the expansion overal and couldn't bring myself to play it seriously.
Before MoP I used to raid bwd/fl/ds |(in Cata) with guild that is called "Little guild of Horrors", I even did some Mogu Shan progression with them(not much though).
In WotLK I raided naxx/ulduar/icc with few progression guilds, it's been like 5-6years since then so I don't really remember the names of the guilds I've been in, one was called "Coma" I believe, other one was "Fifth Column", it was small raiding guild back in the early days of WotLK, we did naxx mostly, but then it disbanded. I don't really know why, it had something to do with personal reasons of guild leader.
Before WotLK I didn't really raid, I started playing mid TBC.

The reason I've chosen Lightwalkers is because I saw you recruiting on trade channel and I was actually planning on joining a raiding guild for WoD. I'm x-realm member, my characters are on Khadgar.

Extra info:

My name is Dawid, I live in the Netherlands, I study Psychology at the Leiden University. I've been playing wow for the past 7+ years. I enjoy progression raiding and pvp, arenas/rbgs etc.
I have not really given a thought yet about my expectations towards this guild. I expect to raid, have fun and ofcourse progress in WoD raids.
What you can expect of me is showing up on time for raids, prepared (= enchanted/gemmed/flasks etc).

I hope I've put enough info for you to be able to review my application.

Kind regards,
Dawid (Holyswing)
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 Dec 2014, 14:51

Re: Holyswing- Retribution Paladin

Postby Indigo » 01 Dec 2014, 22:21

Just sign for raids ;)
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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