General Information:
Character name: Dietolive
Applying for Social OR Raider? Raider
Class/Level: 90 hunter
Character profile link (WoW Armory):
Any regularly played alts? I have been gearing my 90 warlock Jellypiecake and levelling a druid at the moment. My other 90s I haven't geared much past 500.
Guild History
Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
Ace (Turalyon) - Disbanded.
The Nephilim (Turalyon) - They became too hardcore and I was fed up of several members.
The Celtic Cult (Turalyon) - I wanted to start raiding with my boyfriend and there was no room for him there.
Retired (Arathor) - Despite my research they are losing too many members and their raiding is collapsing.
Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
The post that Indigo wrote caught my eye and I decided that they seem to be the right guild for me & my boyfriend to raid with. Friendly and good raiders
If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?
I am going to where we are both needed, though not blindly, and after days of searching through Wowprogress I posted on the forums. I got a several responses and spoke to a few guilds that matched what we wanted, but during the discussion with Indigo I felt happy that they would be the guild that would be right for us. Hope so anyway!
Do you have any experience raiding Vanilla, BC, LK or Cata content at its appropriate level?
Vanilla - began playing but quit.
BC - newbie.
WotLK - Was in a "softcore" guild on my warrior Livetodie until ICC was released where I moved to a guild with my hunter that raided the current content. Cleared it all on normal and a few heroics at current content. ICC was the main raid that I did during WotLK but I did kill a few of the bosses in Trial normal and Ruby Sanctum too.
Cata - Took a short break and returned on my warrior.This was when I joined Ace and they were ranked in the top 3. Cleared Firelands HC and Dragon Soul HC before full nerf. BD, BoT and TofW were cleared on my warrior I think.
I am back on my hunter in Pandaria, but do not worry about class changes the warrior is now dead and buried after the changes they've done.
Which AddOns are you using for raiding?
DBM - raid timers
Omen3 - threat management
GTFO - emergency help
OmniCC - cooldown count
Recount/Skada - DPS/healing/damage etc observations
ReforgeLite - reforge stats to a T
Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?
I have all voice communication programmes installed + a working mic.
Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids? (Monday, Thursday and Sunday 19:45-23:30 server time)
Yes, yes, and yes
Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
I've played all 3 hunter specs throughout the years as they have buffed and nerfed them. I was BM for a lot of Pandaria, in the last few months I have been survival because of the slight increased DPS output it seems to have. Even though hunters have a history of being huntards I have never been one of those No silly barrage pulls from me! My class brings several useful aspects to raids such as damage soaking (deterrence), threat management (misdirect, feign death), kiting (distracting shot, disengage, ice traps), crowd control (freezing trap), and interrupts (countershot and/or scatter shot/intimidation if the mob accepts that).
Why do you like to raid? What do you aim for?
I like to raid because its one the main parts of WoW that I enjoy, along with alt levelling . I like the way that raiding allows a team to come together and have fun killing the bosses blizzard throws at us.
Extra Info
Water, Gold or Cheese?
Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
My name is Katie, I'm 18 and reside in the amazingly cold and wet UK. Currently in my last year of college doing Animal Management going on to Uni in September to study Animal Behaviour. I have dark sarcastic humour, but I am shy at first when joining new guilds. I was told I didn't need to write an application but I actually like writing them and I had fun making it look pretty .
What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild?
Hopefully a friendly bunch of raiders.