Pala/Shadow, disc priest, social apply.

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Pala/Shadow, disc priest, social apply.

Postby samohTraceur » 11 Oct 2011, 17:46

Hello LW.
I have two characters, I wish to join the guild with.
A retri/protection (can easily be transformed into holy as u wish) paladin Named: Msg - lvl 67 atm, rising.
My main priest: Msgbrother, which is shadow and disc atm, but like I said I can change it. Lvl 80 - I don't have cataclysm but I'm considering buying it.
My apply is mostly social, but I might attend in raids sometimes, but don't count me in as a raider. I do have experience with various lvl 80 raids what so ever.
I couldn't seem to find armory lol, but you've got my names.
I have 8 other alts, mostly just low levels. I have one hunter in lvl 64 which im thinking about moving to this server.
I have left my guild because it's lvl 2 and has no members compared to LW. I have earlier been part of big guilds but got kicked due to a break I had in WoW.
LW is an interesting guild with many friendly and skilled members (I hope).
Choosing Bloofhoof was just random - no x-realm. I don't use addons atm, but like everything else I can download them.

Water, gold or cheese?
Prolly gold for my greedy dwarf and water for my NE priest which always needs mana (old bastard).

Personal things.. I'm a 15 year old guy from Denmark, don't always play WoW, too busy..

I expect a guild to be skilled and have a lot of friendly members ready to help, or just someone to raid/play whatever.

I don't mind if Mac is reading this.. ;)

Thanks, hope you'll consider inviting me.

Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Oct 2011, 17:15

Re: Pala/Shadow, disc priest, social apply.

Postby slightly » 13 Oct 2011, 03:42

samohTraceur wrote:but I might attend in raids sometimes

You should fit in just fine then...........
Posts: 70
Joined: 21 Apr 2010, 01:18

Re: Pala/Shadow, disc priest, social apply.

Postby samohTraceur » 16 Oct 2011, 22:55

I'm 15 years old
Just found out i'm not "mature" sound excited too :P
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Oct 2011, 17:15

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