Cyv - mage (lvl 85)

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Cyv - mage (lvl 85)

Postby Cyv » 09 Aug 2012, 21:21


Recently I contacted Cherrycoke within the game by mail. He advised me to do react on your website. I think your guild has the right attitude for me. So I like to do an application on this forum to join your guild. Let me tell you something about me.

I am 53 years old. That old? Yes, time flies, I know. I live in the Netherlands and played wow from the beginning (not counting the beta) in 2003. My main is a mage (Cyv) and my alt is a Rogue (Embel). After a while I started to do raids almost daily. I joined a few guilds (Axiom Knights, Frostbyte, SPQR and one more I forgot).

I played till Cataclysm came out in 2009. I played all the raids, also the high end game raids till Cataclysm. Unfortunately I became ill (back problems, I still have), so I decided to stop playing wow for a while. Till recently. I like to play wow again and raid as I used to do. Though, not daily anymore. 3 times a week would be nice for me. Maybe sometimes more but that depends on the schedule.

Now, I am preparing for MoP. Now, I am leveling and getting back in business. A lot has changed since I temporarily left wow. I am working on the routines and how things work. I am sure to be ready for MoP. But with the right guild and players that should not be any problem.

In October I have 70% chance of going to hospital for an organ transplantation. I donate a kidney to my wife, but it’s not sure if the match is right. If so, then I am away for a few weeks, but I let you know then of course.

I hope my application is good enough to accept it and take me on board. I surely will stand up for your standards. I am no guild hopper. If the guild is right I am very loyal and stay. I also try to help ppl with questions/problems they encounter in the game.

Best regards, Cyv
Last edited by Cyv on 13 Aug 2012, 21:30, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 Aug 2012, 19:39

Re: Cyv - mage (lvl 84 atm)

Postby Cherrycoke » 12 Aug 2012, 18:20

Hey just to let you know we are discussing your app!

quick question, after dealing with your issues, do you intend to raid all the 3 nights a week planned?
Posts: 400
Joined: 12 Oct 2009, 20:09
Location: England

Re: Cyv - mage (lvl 85)

Postby Cyv » 12 Aug 2012, 23:17

Yes, I am intend to raid 3 nights a week. I think that is a good number to raid a week. But when the time is right maybe I can come more.
Posts: 2
Joined: 09 Aug 2012, 19:39

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