General information
Char name: Arágon
Social - Raider: Raider
Class/lvl: Shaman 90
Char profile link: ... n/advanced
Alts: I have a lvl90 hunter I don't play much but got some alright gear on I can do alt raids or just fun runs.
Guild History
Previous Guilds:
Sun Tzu - Guild wasn't progressing through raids and we lost a lot of members so guild leader called it a day and disbanded.
Ace - Disbanded.
Challenge accepted - wanted to raid with the girl friend.
Retired - Starting to lose members and not getting enough people for raid nights.
Reason why its lightwalkers you have chosen to join: Well me and the girl friend have been looking for a guild to call home and she has put a lot of work in trying to find that place and we have both spoke about lightwalkers and it seem a good step in the right direction to take in finding that home.
if you are an xrealm applicant: Why have u chosen to migrate to bloodhoof / how did you hear about applying to LW: Well Bloodhoof was my first ever server when I joined wow so will be nice to go back where it all started but I heard about LW when the gf posted up on that forums and indigo got in contact with her and then she told me and it seemed a good and fun guild to join.
Do you have any experience raiding vanilla BC or Cata at its appropriate level:
Vanilla - wasn't much of a raider done a few little things here and there
BC - Raided quite a lot of BC content Many many many runs of Kara and then got into a more serious raiding guild and started to progress into sunwell.
Wotlk - was in a serious raiding guild managed to get all content down.
Cata - Well cata is where I met my lovely girl friend first of all but back to the important things Done well in cata was in a guild called Ace ranked top 3 managed to clear all content before nerfs finished DS off in a guild called perilous wasn't in there long.
Panda - Well took a break at the start and missed a lot of first content but cleared Tot on normal and then got back into the swing of things and managed to eventually get back in the serious raiding I like.
Which main addons are you using for raiding:
Grid - I use grid so I can see the whole raid a lot easier very organised with grid ( Great addon)
Clique - mainly for my key binds Which is incorporated with grid both work well together
Recount - always watching it I like to see the best healing I can produce and see how I can improve
Omen - incase dps are getting to high so I know I need to switch
DBM - mainly used for so I can see when big damage is incoming and I can sort cooldowns and see when big damage is hitting the raid team
TeamSpeak - have working mic and don't mind talking
Will you be able to attend our 3 weekly raids:
Yes perfect for me
Why did you choose the spec you have and what do you believe your class and spec brings to the raids:
Well from playing the restro shaman for a while now I think its one of the more stronger healers out there with a nice set of cool downs and a lot of added extras and + more healing on the raid they have a very nice AoE heal range and can do good tank healing also.
Why do you like to raid and what do you aim for:
I raid because I enjoy the social atmosphese and it can create good friend ships between players and its also a very intensive thing to do I enjoy the feeling you get before you take down the boss you have been on for weeks. I aim for a good raiding atmosphere and progress through the bosses one step at a time.
Extra info:
Water gold cheese:
Tell us a little behind the person that plays the char:
Well my name is Clarke 20 year old currently doing a 2 year painting apprentaship. I Enjoy a good laugh and have a good sense of humor. I also like spending a lot of time working on my car slowly getting there with that project.
what do you expect from the guild you want to join:
Hopefully a good bunch of people and raiders.