Krattoss - Destruction Warlock

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Krattoss - Destruction Warlock

Postby Krattoss » 08 May 2014, 13:53

General Information:

Character name: Krattoss

Applying for Social OR Raider? Both

Class/Level: Warlock

Character profile link (WoW Armory): ... oss/simple

Any regularly played alts? Drainoss, Kronoss

Guild History

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave: Rising (vanilla), The chosen ones(Tbc), Bokkerijders (wotlk, cata, MOP)
I left rising because everyone left. The chosen ones because I stopped playing for a while and been to Bokkerijders ever since. Haven't been a hardcore player anymore since TBC.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join: I recently started playing again and want to taste a little bit of how the raids are now compaired to the early days.


If you are applying for a social membership in Lightwalkers, you don't need to fill out the "Raiding" section. Please be aware that we cannot offer you a raidspot in our core team then tho, unless we decide to open one up for recruitment and you meet the appropriate requirements. While not being taken into account for our main raid team, social members may of course take part in any flex or alt raids run by the guild.

Do you have any experience raiding Vanilla, BC, LK or Cata content at its appropriate level? Vanilla: MC,ZG, BWL, AQ20 (fully cleared) and AQ40 TBC: Karazhan, Gruuls lair, Tempest keep,Magtheridon's lair and can't remember the others :p Have only been in lfr since then.

Which main AddOns are you using for raiding?
DBM, recount, Omen

mic or would install it + get one?

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids? (Monday, Thursday and Sunday 19:45-23:30 server time) Once a week I could manage atleast.

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids? Currently destruction is bringing the highest dps.

Kind regards
Posts: 1
Joined: 08 May 2014, 13:43

Re: Krattoss - Destruction Warlock

Postby Indigo » 09 May 2014, 05:56


first of all, thanks for your application to the guild. Unfortunately, i don't think we'll be able to offer you a raidspot on the 10man team right now, as both your gear and your attendance are a bit of a problem. While ofc gear is an issue that could be fixed, attendance on the other hand is more difficult, as we require a certain minimum there to be part of the regular 10man group.
You'd be welcome to join as social member, tho that means you'd be restricted to the weekly flex or any possible alt runs and it would be unlikely you'd get to raid with the 10man hc group. With raidsize becoming flexible in WoD, thanksfully it won't matter that much anymore then and you could probably also join the raidteam with a lower attendance.

So in short, what i could offer you right now is to join as social member until 6.0, then add you to the flexible sized raidteam. If that's something you'd be ok with, you're welcome to contact any of our members ingame for a guildinvite.
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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