Náli, the druid with possibilities!

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Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby CNAP » 22 Oct 2011, 00:58

General Information:

Character name : Náli (atm on my realm Stormscale)

Role Applying for Raider

Class/Level: Feral Tank Druid lvl 85 (Possibility for Resto and Feral DPS)

Character profile link (WoW Armory): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Náli/simple

(all on stormscale)
85 priest Lurzunk (this character will probably be migrated as well) (PvP - only char)
85 dk Argathaz (some LK xp, BwD and BoT)
85 shaman Nexm (BwD & BoT xp)
85 mage Melath (LK xp)
and too many lower alts;)

Guild History:

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
From Bloodhoof: The Outcasts, Nightfall and Kimen Yahae
From Stormscale: No Dignity (no longer exist), The Unknown (current), Pulse Of The Maggots.
And a lot of smaller raiding guilds that I can't remember any names on.
Reason to leave the one on Bloodhoof I don't know, too long ago.
No Dignity was disbanded in late 2010 and I were in it to the end.
Pulse of the maggots; they were nice but the raid progress were too slow for me.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
Well, I have heard a lot of good stuff about you from my IRL friend "Daltino" and I'm looking for a serious raiding guild and by putting it all together I got the answer; Lightwalkers!:D

If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?
I've played on Bloodhoof from classic until mid LK where I migrated to Stormscale, but I always missed it and finally I'm planning on coming back!


Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released?
I haven't raided in Vanilla since I dinged 60 the day TBC was released:) But I have raid experience from all tbc raids.

Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata?
In litch King I raided Naxx, ToC and ICC, were on break during Ulduar. From Cata I have raided BoT and BwD.

Which AddOns are you using for raiding?
I'm using Omen, Recount, DBM, wMarker, Taunt Master (as tank), MageNuggets (as spell caster), Grid2, X-Perl and a lot of more, though they are unimportant.

Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?
I have TS3 latest patch installed with headset (with mic)

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids?
Yes, especially at the moment since I'm a student at a free year and don't have any studies to worry about. It might only be at some few times that some IRL stuff comes up and I'm unable to join the raid.

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
Well since I've played Feral druid since Vanilla I feel that I know my class and will be able to perform as you wish!

Do you have a WWS or World of logs report so we can see how you’re performing in raids?
Sorry no raids from tbc have been saved on achi neither logs. But for LK & cata raids can be seen on armory on my present lvl 85's except Lurzunk.

Extra Info:

Got IRL friend in your guild that I raided with in tbc and start LK and I miss raiding with him and since he doesn't wanna change server I guess I have to do it.
I'm also migrating with my other friend (OMG I HAVE 2 FRIENDS!) and must state that if he can't join the guild I myself won't:( (His apply will be under the name Ajn08)
I saw that you were in need for a restoration druid and I can add that I have no problems with playing that since I played resto in early LK.
I'm good with tactics and always read up well on the upcoming bosses before the raid!

Water, Gold or Cheese?
As a diver I prefer water thank you:D

Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
Well I'm 18 years old (soon 19) and I'm on a free year before I continue my studies (might be more than 1 year). I'm a social guy that have played wow since vanilla, although I was one of the disturbing 12 year old kids at that time:P. When I'm not playing WoW or any other game I'm an Advanced Open Water Diver and I love the ocean (gay?:P) otherwise I like running or hanging out with friends ( and I hope to make more in this guild:)).

Thanks for my time,

Hoping for a positive reply!

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//Grékling, King of Sweden
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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby Indigo » 22 Oct 2011, 02:03

You say you're applying as resto druid because we need one - what would be your preferred class/spec if you were free to chose?

Also, i hope Daltino has given you an idea of our raidprogress/what to expect :P

I'll wait for the application of your friend then and have a chat with the admins about it.
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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby CNAP » 22 Oct 2011, 10:25

Well druid is the class I like to play since it is the one I've played most and I know how to handle a druid in a effective way. As for the specs I'd rather play as feral tank or restoration since that is what I've raided with earlier.
Problem with restoration is I don't have full gear since I dinged 85 on this char aprox 1 week ago and only have acquired feral gear to this point. So would be nice if I could know which spec you want me to play in case I need to start farm restoration gear, which is no problems.

Yes Daltino has been boasting to me how your raid progress is:P

BTW congratulations on downing Ragnaros 25 - man:D

About my friend, I do believe his application will be up by today or latest tomorrow.

We're at Stormscale atm, but char migrate is possible as soon as we both get green light to join the guild:)


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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby Daltino » 22 Oct 2011, 12:09

great apply CP :) as he stated in the apply Im a irl friend with him and I can vouge for him, great guy :D
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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby Indigo » 22 Oct 2011, 16:43

Hmm ok... in this case, i'd rather get the resto druid than the feral tank. Had been hoping for a dps spec or class tbh, as currently we're short on those. Tanks/healers we'll have a harder time fitting into our raidgroup, so if your friend is a tank or healer as well, it might get difficult.
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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby CNAP » 22 Oct 2011, 17:21

Sure I can go DPS np's, I only had the impression you were in dire need of a resto druid as it was what your website said.

Would a feral dps druid suite better?

The tanking gear is basically the same as the feral dps so won't be any problems with gear.

And my friend ain't a tank nor healer:)

(I guess that since I wrote "the druid with possibilities" I can go balance spec aswell^^)

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Re: Náli, the druid with possibilities!

Postby CNAP » 22 Oct 2011, 22:52

My friends apply: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1795

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//Grékling, King of Sweden
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