General Information:
Character name:
Salliea - Stormscale
Role Applying for Social /Raider
I am a Mage. Level 85. Fire/Arcane.
Character profile link (WoW Armory): ... iea/simple
I got two other 85 characters apart from my Mage, an ugly Paladin and a fat Druid. Just love my mage so they are nothing compared to her! ; ) Almost as fast as I reached 85 on my alts I realized that these are not the classes I want to continue with so I have no intensions of gearing them. Love my mage : )
Guild History:
Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
I was a member of No Dignity which disbanded a long time ago. Too bad because the people were very nice and we had a lot of fun. I've also been a member of Pulse of the Maggots but left them because I had a break. When I eventually made a comeback, my friend recommended me to join The Unknown.
Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
I have been playing only PvP for a while now, but came up with an idea to a friend to join a PvE-guild. He sooner developed the idea to switch server because the raiding progress on our server is depressing. Since my friend knew a guy (Daltino) in this guild who spoke well about you.
If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?
Bloodhoof was the first server I played in but moved to Stormscale because a lot of my friends did.
Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released?
None, since I didn't raid at that time. I was young and didn't really get it then.
Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata?
I was playing restoration with my druid during LK, in ICC mainly. I made it to 50% of the raid progress. I got bored on my class and started making alts to find a more amusing class. After a while of struggling with the low level quests over and over again to see what I wanted and when Cataclysm released I started my Mage.
I went off for work in another country during the summer and when I came back I continued on my Mage again and don't have very much experience of the new raids, but we got to start somewhere.
Which AddOns are you using for raiding?
Recount, DBM, omen, Decursive, Mage Nuggets.
Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?
All set. : )
Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids?
It can of course be difficult to raid every week three times since I may have some important school projects/test to do, but I would really enjoy being a member and eventually when I'm more geared up, help you with your future raid progress!
Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
Since I have played quite much PvP, my favorite spec is fire. When I go PvE I switch to Arcane because the rotation is a lot easier and fun with the high damage. I like arcane atm but I might switch it to a fire PvE spec soon because of the challenge ; ) I like to be unique apart from others by “by defying the laws of nature” to go fire ; ) hehhe I will be well prepared, by reading and discussing about the raids so everything will be set.
Extra Info:
Water, Gold or Cheese?
Water, since I am a windsurfer. Hmm? Does this sound like another application?... Wonder who?... -.- Actually, I would prefer the wind more ^^
Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
Well, I am 19, live in Sweden. I study economy. I LOVE music, it's something really big in my life ; ) I like spending time with friends and go windsurfing.
Hope to see you soon! Cheers!
Yours faithfully