I'm Cyanosis, in real life robert, and im a 85 Priest looking for a social spot in Lightwalkers.
I just turned 27 and i'm on the grind to the 30. I suprise myself more often with the phrase "Easy guys, i'm not 18 anymore" so i'm guessing i am growing up a little...
I come from Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands, wich is a small part of the south of Amsterdam and no i don't smoke week or use drugs. Except Alcohol once in a while
I work allot and my times often aren't 9 to 5. This is why i can't raid unfortunately. I play WoW casual.
I've been around since vanilla, the year that WoW came to us. I played on Bloodscalp first, where i got addicted to WoW. I was MT in a guild and we raided MC and later BWL hardcore.
Then the guild broke up due to management issues, and i migrated to Bloodhoof with irl friends. I joined Judean Peoples Front (later J P F) for some time on my rogue and mage. But that was in 2005-2008.
I took a brake for a while then, and made this priest, and since playing casually.
Character profile link (WoW Armory): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/bloodhoof/Cyanosis/simple
85 Warrior -Jimmyusee (Kul Tiras, Horde, i know, right ?)
85 Shaman -Cyanosis (Kul Tiras, Horde)
85 Rogue - Sixteynine (Kul Tiras, Horde)
85 Mage - Mentalbob (Bloodhoof, Alliance, in the guild Allied Forces, for rl reasons )
Well, i think thats about it, hope to hear form you guys.
Cya around,