Application to join

Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?

Application to join

Postby Exotica » 09 May 2013, 22:13

Hi some of u may remember Exotica from a few years ago, unfortunatly she no longer plays anymore and was kind enough to pass her account over to me as she has a very busy life and pointed me to Lightwalkers because she told me this guild is the best one shes been in, so here i am applying to join u guys once again as her current BF, also she has taught me everything she knows about playing WoW lol

right here goes

Character: Exotica
Role: Raider as much as possible, very active
Class: Shadow priest 510 and Disc OS 489
Pevious guild & reason for leaving: Right ill go by what my GF told me, First was in wild girls back in the day and merged to Lightwalkers, then left the game due to RL stuff and i assume was removed for inactivity, I took over the account and joined The Angels Of Temptation and I want to leave because not enough dedicated raiding members and lack of progression but didnt know where to go until my GF pointed me to Lightwalkers.
Reason I choose Lightwalkers is through my GF and knows what a great guild it is to be in, and raid intensive is exactly what im looking for
Character profile link: ... ica/simple
Alts lv 90 warlock, lv 90 rogue, lv 90 mage

Wish me luck
Kind Regards
Posts: 6
Joined: 09 May 2013, 21:48

Re: Application to join

Postby Indigo » 09 May 2013, 23:39


i'm afraid as far as raidspots are concerned, we currently don't have any room for additional dps, especially not another shadowpriest (2 of our 4 ranged are spriests) :( Melee + healer teams are on a rotation already as well.
All we could offer you right now is a social invite, but even as that, i cannot promise any raidspot freeing up anytime soon, as we have a very stable group with very little member fluctuation. And not gonna blame you if a social invite isn't exactly what you want ;)

Admins will have another chat about your app, but i'm afraid there's not really much hope for a different outcome :(
We'll get back to you asap.
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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Re: Application to join

Postby Exotica » 09 May 2013, 23:56

thanks for the reply :) plz let me know if anything comes avail im currently on raid team in angels, so at least i get to raid and wouldn't want to join if there is not much chance of a raid spot in lightwalkers :)
Posts: 6
Joined: 09 May 2013, 21:48

Re: Application to join

Postby Cherrycoke » 26 May 2013, 20:56

So we know about the history of the account,
How long have you had it? what content have YOU done that was current?

just trying to get a feel for what you know and can do :)

and remind you we are still only 1/13hc
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Re: Application to join

Postby Exotica » 27 May 2013, 12:55

hi cherry. I have had this account passed over to me for around a year now, maybe a little less currently i'm in the main raiding team for Crazy Train as temp cover for those that are away and covered 1/12 ToT HC and 11/12 ToT normal, we would have had full clear last week but RL was away, my last raid will be on Tuesday so we should get if cleared 12/12 hopefully anyways. I was contacted by Indigo about invite for healing but I was a little worried about my healing gear, it is only 491 and shadow 520 as of now, indigo informed me that this shouldn't be a problem, so after speaking to my RL and indigo I have decided to join u guys, I will be able to accept the invite on wed as i'm HC locked out till then.

I look forward to joining u

Kind Regards
Posts: 6
Joined: 09 May 2013, 21:48

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