
Want to apply to join the ranks of Lightwalkers?


Postby Tavore » 07 Sep 2013, 14:23

Character name : Tavore

Role Applying for Social OR Raider
Prefer raider, however i know that you already have priests, so i can be a social.
Or one of my alts can be main in LW.

Priest 90 - Holy/Shadow

Character profile link (WoW Armory):


Reneesme_Pala 90 - Holy/Tank (499)
Tisteliosan_Warr 90 - Tank/Fury (477)
Tisteandi_Shamy 90 - Resto/Enhanc (470)
And 85 lev(lock,druid, warr)

Guild History
KaA,Twierdza,JPF,and Decuria Optima

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
Basically, they stopped riding and mostly became non-active.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:

I remember your guild during my adventure with WoW, and are just active during that long time.

If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?


Do you have experience raiding Vanilla instances (ZG / AQ20 / MC / BWL / AQ40 / Naxx) or BC instances (Kara, SSC, TK, BT, MH etc.) from before LK was released?
I started raiding from Kara with more or less success up to now.

Which raid experience did you get during LK and any in Cata?
During WoTLK did all of them.
During Cata i had small break due to my "Real life" problems, but i did some bosses.

Which AddOns are you using for raiding?

Have TS installed + mic or would install it + get one?
Yes i have them.

Will you be able to regularly attend our 3 weekly raids?

Why did you chose the spec you have and what do you believe your class (and spec) brings to raids?
Because i love healing. Great AoEHealing.

Do you have a WWS or World of logs report so we can see how you’re performing in raids?


Extra Info

Water, Gold or Cheese?

Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
I am 32 years soliders.
And i am big fan of s-f and fantasy books.

What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild?

Nice players and time
Posts: 3
Joined: 06 Sep 2013, 22:11

Re: Tavore_Priest

Postby Indigo » 07 Sep 2013, 15:53


thanks for your application to LW, but i'm afraid i'll be honest right away and tell you that we cannot offer you a raidspot right now, and possibly not for a long time to come. Our raidteam has an overflow of priests + paladins already (and had that pretty much since MoP release), with 3 active players of each class, covering all possible specs. Additionally, all our 14 available raidspots are currently taken, with no plans to switch to flex raiding except for maybe the first 2 or 3 weeks.

If you wish to join as social member anyway, we'll be happy to get back to you asap after a little chat amongst the guild admins, tho social member in LW means pretty much no raiding except maybe the occasional flex or alt raid. If you're ok with that, either Cherrycoke or me will contact you ingame soon; but if that's not really what you're looking for, nobody gonna blame you either ;)
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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Re: Tavore_Priest

Postby Tavore » 07 Sep 2013, 17:14

Thanks for answer.
I will be happy if you invite me as a social.
Addicionaly i will tell that in Kings and Aces i waited around 7 week for sopot.
So i am not losing hope fast 8-)
Posts: 3
Joined: 06 Sep 2013, 22:11

Re: Tavore_Priest

Postby Tavore » 08 Sep 2013, 12:11

Sorry for this, but i realy want to make some raids and i found a guild where i will have a raid spot.
Of course not so good as you.
Realy sory and Good luck in Siege of Ogrimar :idea:
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Joined: 06 Sep 2013, 22:11

Re: Tavore_Priest

Postby Indigo » 08 Sep 2013, 12:20

Fair enough. Good luck to you :)
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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