Rhemedy, resto shaman - social application

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Rhemedy, resto shaman - social application

Postby rhemedy » 01 Feb 2014, 13:36

General Information:

Character name:

Applying for Social OR Raider?
Im currently applying for social membership, but if there is a spot open in the future i will try to apply again.

Resto shaman

Character profile link (WoW Armory):

Any regularly played alts?
Yes, i got a few.
Frost death knight http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Rh%C3%A8medy/advanced
Destruction warlock http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Rheva%C3%AD/advanced
Guardian druid http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Corux/advanced
Assasination Rogue http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Rhem%C3%A8dy/advanced
Discipline priest http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/bladefist/Rhemzy/advanced
Brewmaster monk http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/kazzak/Rhemedy/advanced
these are lvl 90's, a part from them i got few lower levels aswell nothing special.

Guild History
All the way back to vanilla i cannot quite remember since i have had few server and faction transfers due to servers died out.
But recently once on my shaman:
Forlorn Hope - guild disbanded due to ppl got tired of the game and the grp was not the same again after that. (Bladefist-EU)
Veritas - same ppl that was in FH mentioned above, guild disbanded because Bladefist pretty much died. (Bladefist-EU)
We Happy Few (current guild) - I cant say i am enjoying my self there, ppl are not very social, the only social person there is is the gm and a irl friend. I dont want to talk trash so i let it be there. (Bloodhoof-EU).

Previous guild(s) & reason to leave:
Mentioned above, now i am confussed.

Reason why it's Lightwalkers you have chosen to join:
Im looking for friendly people, a guild that a alive, chance to join on alt raids/flex/old contents, to be more precise. A good time whilst playing :clown: .

If you are an x-realm applicant: why have you chosen to migrate to Bloodhoof / how did you hear about and consider applying to LW?

Extra Info

Water, Gold or Cheese?

Tell us a little about the person behind the character!
I am a 28 yrs young male of age from Sweden, no we do not have polar bears :sherlock: .
Got a family, 2 beautiful sons and a wife.
Been playing this game since vanilla when my cousin lured me into the world of Azeroth.
Wont get any shorter then that, or longer, take a pick. I dont want to scare you guys/lads.

What do you expect from the guild you want to join, or LW as a guild?
I do not expect anything really, but i hope that i will enjoy my stay and have a great laugh!
Posts: 1
Joined: 01 Feb 2014, 13:10

Re: Rhemedy, resto shaman - social application

Postby Indigo » 01 Feb 2014, 15:01

Nice application!

We'd like to give you a social member invite right away, and can probably offer a raidspot as healer soonish as well, but let me have a few talks with a few ppl about that first. If everything fails, raidspots will open up latest with WoD tho, so i'm sure we'll be able to sort something out there.

Give me or Cherrycoke/Cherryontop a shout ingame for a guildinvite ;)
WoW: Indigo/Aurora @ Bloodhoof EU
SW:TOR: Ivrea/Corday @ The Red Eclipse EU
D3: Indigo#2926
SC2: Ivrea#527
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Joined: 08 Oct 2009, 07:07

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